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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 As Rayna prepared lunch for her and Evelyn, she suddenly laughed when she remembered what Ethan had said about being a girl dad, and Evelyn glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Hello? Should Ibe worried? Is everything okay mentally?" Evelyn asked with a teasing smile.

Rayna giggled. "Sure. Ijust remembered something ET said. How many kids would you like to have, Evie?" Derek and Ishould get married for real, then I'I have one more since we have Sam already. That's two kids. Why? Don't tellyou're already discussing kids with him?" Evelyn said incredulously.

Rayna grinned, "He asked me. We both want three. The discussion madeso hot. Icouldn't help but imagine the act that would lead us there. It's been so long since Ihad sex," Rayna said, and Evelyn giggled, shaking her head. "I can't believe you're thinking of sex with a random stranger. You don't even know his real name," Evelyn said, amused.

"Helo, Pot! Im' not the one that banged a random stranger on the sday we met and found out his nsix years later after his child the whole time, duh," Rayna said, and Evelyn hissed, feigning offense as she sat down on the couch. having his chil "You're such a bitch, you know that?" She asked as she threw a slice of carrot into her mouth.

Rayna laughed. "Hate the message, not the messenger, baby. I speak nothing but the truth," Rayna said as she stirred the vegetables she was frying.

"How many times do need ot keep telling you that Iwasn't ni my right senses when Ihad sex with Derek?" Evelyn asked, and Rayna rolled her eyes.

"I won't be ni my right senses when Ihave sex with ET either," Rayna said with a grin.

"Go ahead then. Have sex with him and have ten or twenty kids. Who cares?" Evelyn asked, and Rayna winked at her.

"You do. And no, Idon't want more than three. Just three is okay. Three is a nice number. Not too many to drive you crazy," Rayna then decided ti was tto change the subject.

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said, then "So", she began, changing the subject, "the reunion si next weekend. Have you gotten something to wear?" "I can pick from al the clothes ni my closet, and I'm sure fi you don't like them, you'll findsomething to wear, Evelyn said dismissively. "True that.

but was thinking we should get something nice. Derek will be there after all. With that bitch. We can't let her outshine you," Rayna said, and Evelyn scoffed. "Sandra could never outshine me. And Idoubt there is anything be there with her for me, not her," Evelyn said confidently.

she could do to take Derek's attention from me. Derek W best for YOUR man. Istill can't believe you're letting him go with her. I'm too much of a jealous lover ot do something like that," Rayna said, and Evelyn gave her a wry smile.

"Still, my dear we need to make s sure you look look your Imean. Idon't mind. Ilike to return favors, remember? Sandra lentMichael six years ago, so I'm just lending her my man in return." "Yeah, I Rayna burst out laughing. "That's abitchy thing to say. Istill can't believe those two fools actually tried to blyou for their screw-up the other night. It's hilarious and pathetic at the stime!" "klnow. I'm I'm honestly looking forward to to seeing how this al unfolds," Evelyn said, a playful glint in her eyes. "And Im' looking forward of the You're not a very nice person, you know that, right?" reunion. tl wil tl wil be fun to see who's gotten fatter, balder, or somehow married rich. Ilike how everyone likes to act successful at reunions," Rayna said, and Evelyn shook her head, amused.

I"know you lovethat way. So, you're resuming work on Monday, right?" Rayna asked, and Evelyn smiled, but her expression turned thoughtful.

"Yes. Iwant t t to see exactly what Sandra's next move is. Iwonder what rumors she is going to peddle aboutand the troubles she wil cause for me," Evelyn said with a small laugh. Rayna shook her head ni disbelief. "You are beginning to thrive on this , aren't you?" Evelyn smiled mischievously. "It's the least Ican do. Ididn't ask for any of this. But now that they've brought ti ot me. No problem." "Speaking of which, the new house is is ti close to the office?" e office?" Rayna asked curiously.

It's a bit of a drive, but Idon't mind. The neighborhood is perfect for Sam and is not too far from her school." reallydded That's what matters. As! s long as Sam is happy." Rayna nodded approvingly. "That's what "Speaking of Sam, Ishould check in with Derek. See how they're doing." Evelyn said as she picked up her phone. Before she could dial his line, her phone rang with a call from Liam, and she received the call immediately.

"Hey, Doc!" Evelyn answered with a wide smile, and Rayna raised a brow.

"Hey, Editor-in-chief!" Liam's familiar voice cthrough, ful of energy, and Evelyn winced, realizing that he didn't know she lost her job.

"Guess what?" He asked before she could make up her mind whether or not to tell him she was no longer working at Empowered.

"Surprise me," Evelyn said, curious to hear what he had to say.

"I'm ni ni Ludus!" He announced.

"For real? You're kidding, right?" She asked ni disbelief, and he chuckled.

"No. I'm not " NO, "What are you doing ni Ludus? When did you cin?" Evelyn asked excitedly.

"I'm here for a medical conference. Id' love to see you and Sam tomorrow fi you're free," he said, and Evelyn's face lit up.

"Are you serious? That's amazing! Ihaven't seen you ni forever. Of course, we're free. I'l text you my address, and you can cby for a visit." a few more pleasantries, Evelyn hung up and turned to Rayna, who was watching her curiously.

Liam?" Rayna asked, her eyes narrowing ni I suspicion. "Who's this Liam?" i play when Iwas pregnant with Sam." "Liam's my friend. He was my laughed. "Liam a leaned ni with a grin. "Oh. Nice. Is he vice. Is he single?" Tolled her eyes, chuckling. "You have a problem, Rayna. You can't hear about a man without wanting to date him." Rayna laughed along. "Okay, okay! Ipromise ויוד How X Watch the Latest Trending Sponsored: VideosArena Videos Read Next Story > I stop. after Im' married. But I'm curious, though. If he was your OB/GYN, that meant he delivered Sam, right? And he saw your kitty?" Evelyn looked at her incredulously, "What What are you driving at?" who has been there without being there?" Rayna asked with a grin.

do you stay friends with a man Evelyn shook her head with amusement, "I'm not going to dignify that question with a response," Evelyn said as she dialed Derek while Rayna scowled at her playfully. how's ti going?" Evelyn asked when the call connected.

Really wel," Derek replied, his tone warm. "We just left my parents' place. They absolutely adore Sam." chuckled. "Im' glad they do. How's the date going?" She asked, smiling as she imagined him and Sam together.

"It's going smoothly. Were still out and about. Im' taking her to the Hotel so she can see my suite and then we wit hang around at the playground before Ibring her back. Do you want to talk to her?" "Of course!" Evelyn said brightly. Asecond later, Sam's cheerful voice cthrough the phone. "Mommy! Imet Grandparents Stone! They're so fun!" Evelyn smiled, confused. "Grandparents Stone? What do you mean by that, sweetie?" "My other grandparents are grandparents Quinn!" Sam clarified, her logic delightfully simple.

Both Evelyn and Derek burst into laughter. "I guess that makes sense!" Evelyn said, still giggling.

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As they continued "Hey, Sandra's calling, Derek's phone beeped with another incoming call.

Derek said after glancing at the the screen.

Evelyn rolled her eyes at the mention of Sandra. "I I wonder what she has to say this ttm' with Ray, so I'l let you go. Just callwhen you're done, okay?" "Sure. Love you," Der Derek said before hanging up, and he took Sandra's call.

"Helo, pretty!" Derek greeted smoothly, and Samantha scowled, hearing him call someone else that.

Seeing the frown on her face, Derek grinned at her through the rearview mirror and placed a finger on his lips so she wouldn't say anything.

"Don't pretty me. Why haven't heard from you since our last date?" Sandra asked with a pout.

to snort at her tone. He was amused that she felt she was special enough to complain this way. Derek resisted sted the urge to "I'm sorry, Sandra. I've been so busy; You should have called or texted," Derek said apologetically. Sandra sighed. "I've been missing you. When can we meet?" Sandra's voice was soft and sweet.

"I was actually thinking we could have dinner tomorrow. With my parents," Derek suggested, knowing that his mother wouldn't mind such an impromptu arrangement.

He wanted Sandra and Michael together for what he planned to do next. He wanted ot see how they would escape his trap.

Sandra's voice perked up in surprise. "Your parents? You mean it?"

"Yeah. We're planning to get married, so I think it's tyou meet my family. And soon, 'll meet yours too," Derek promised, and he sighed m inwardly when he saw the hurt in Samanthan's eyes as though he was betraying her. Sandra couldn't contain her excitement. "That's wonderful! I'd love that," Sandra said, already thinking of what to wear. After a few more excited exchanges, they hung up, leaving Sandra eagerly anticipating their dinner. The content on novelenglish.net! Read the latest hapter there!